3 New Eggs Have Joined Hello! Pro Eggs

19 06 2011

Three new Eggs were reported to have joined Hello! Pro Eggs at today’s Shiodome AX event.

From left to right: Yoshihashi Kurumi, Taguchi Natsumi, Hamaura Ayano (some sites have her name as Hamaura Ayumi)

I am very surprised that after the large amount of graduations a few months ago there were some new additions today since I expected the few remaining members to stay unchanged for a while, but despite that I am very happy that there are additions since that means that the group will be more balanced out a bit during performances.

As for the new Eggs they are relatively young: Kurumin (Yoshihashi Kurumi) is in 6th grade while the two youngest members Tagucchi (Taguchi Natsumi) and Hamachan (Hamaura Ayano) are in 5th, which is pretty normal for H!P Eggs since members are usually around that age group.

From the photos on the poster above Kurumin seems to be a bit more relaxed (or nervous, it’s hard to tell) which is a good thing to see since that might help her when she performs. Tagucchi and Hamachan both look pretty excited in their photos so it will be fun to see if their performances are also full of energy, but from what I can tell all three of them look like perfect additions since they seem to have the H!P look already (at first I thought Kurumin was Kanon or Wada with long hair).

We haven’t seen many photos of them since the only ones we have are from the poster which was displayed at the event, but I am looking forward to seeing how talented they are since they seem to be like great additions to the group, and while their next will be in September we might get to see them in next month’s FC Egg events.

For now I’m glad to see that Eggs are still joining and I am excited to find out how great they sing and/or dance.

The FC events will be in July and the concerts will be on 9/11 at 15:30 and 18:30 at Yokohama BLITZ.