Kosuga Fuyuka To Leave S/mileage, Diagnosed With “Severe Anemia”

9 09 2011

It has been announced on S/mileage’s official site that current S/mileage sub-member Kosuga Fuyuka will be leaving S/mileage due to severe anemia, and will later on join Hello! Project Eggs after her long recovery.

According to the S/mileage site announcement, Fuu-chan has been feeling bad and was immediately transferred to the hospital because of her terrible condition, and later on diagnosed with “sever anemia” which seems to be when the body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells that provide oxygen, which causes dizziness, breathing troubles,etc…

I have to say that I really didn’t expect this news since it fell out of nowhere, and I’m surprised to see that everything moved so fast since fans reported that she was missing from the last S/mileage event due to a bad health condition, but it’s only now that we discover how bad her case seems to be, and I’m more surprised to see that it’s only now that they find out about her disease since there was no mention of her feeling bad before or experiencing any symptoms that might have made someone think she had anemia.

This seems like a really bad timing for S/mileage and Fuu-chan specially since S/mileage will now only continue with 7 members while their next single includes 8, and it seems like the upcoming concert tour will have to undergo some changes because of Fuu-chan’s loss, but what consoles me is that she has an assured place within H!P Eggs for when she fully heals which is a great relief for her fans since it is assured that she will keep on being active.

Even though she is set to rest for a few month, I really wish Fuyuka and S/mileage a good continuation because thanks to all of the sudden changes the group has experienced, it surely isn’t easy for the members, so hopefully everyone can keep on supporting S/mileage as well as Fuu-chan for her return in a few month as a H!P Egg.

Hopefully we will have more information as time goes by concerning her health condition, and we wish her a quick recovery.

S/mileage site official announcement

Reborn ~Inochi no Audition~ Stage Play Official Blog Opened

6 09 2011

The official blog for Reborn ~Inochi no Audition~  the stage play has been opened.

Like most blogs for stage plays, this one will be opened temporarily. Though this play has a very mixed cast so regardless of the blog’s short life span I’m looking forward to seeing what they’re all doing together behind the scenes. A summary about the play was released but it doesn’t tell us much so I’m hoping we can get some hints of the play through the blog and when the play does begin I’m looking forward to seeing what the characters are like since we’ve only seen small previews of things.

So far there’s only one post, which is from the staff member announcing that the special blog will start soon. It’s not much a post but hopefully the cast members will start posting and I look forward to it.

Just a reminder the stage play will be from 10/8-10/17, so we can get an idea of how long the blog will be active.

Official Stage Play Blog

More Details About Hello! Project’s Stage Play “Reborn ~Inochi no Audition~” Released

2 09 2011

More details about the upcoming stage play featuring various H!P members titled Reborn ~Inochi no Audition~ have been released.

According to a report from a press conference and a character list from a flier these are the roles for each of the members (thanks to Amped for the translation):

  • Niigaki Risa will be Joan of Arc
  • Tanaka Reina will be Tezuka Osamu (creator of Astro Boy)
  • Fukumura Mizuki will be Cleopatra
  • Suzuki Kanon will be the historical Chinese princess Yang Guifei
  • Ikuta Erina will be Ono no Komachi
  • Sayashi Riho will be Shakespeare
  • Miyamoto Karin will be Genghis Khan
  • Kudou Haruka will be Leonardo da Vinci

Roles for Mori Saki, Miyoshi Erika, Sengoku Minami and who I think is Takagaki Sayuki, are not clear though since the quality of the flier isn’t the best.

It seems that the stage play will have a very interesting theme since having H!P members play the role of historical figures is a pretty fun concept, and while I’m not sure who some of the members will be I can say for sure that I’m looking forward to seeing Gaki play Joan of Arc as well as Mizuki playing Cleopatra since the roles fit them perfectly.

It’s also great that they didn’t limit themselves to only female roles since Reina, Riho, Karin, and Kudou have male roles, which will be fun to see since we don’t usually see many members play male roles, and also because their outfits seem a bit more feminine than what their roles represent (I don’t think Da Vinci used a cute blue dress). Apart from the main female cast there are also four guys at the bottom of the character list, who I unfortunately don’t know much so it will be interesting to see if they are the villains or have some other kind of role.

I will update this post with info from the rest of the members once it is clear, but until then I hope many fans in the area can go to the play since it looks like a great way to enjoy a play full of historical figures and H!P members.

The play is set for 10/8-10/17.

Mantan Web Site

Gekidan Online Site

Miyamoto Karin To Replace Takeuchi Akari In The Stage Play 1974 Ikunayo

2 09 2011

Miyamoto Karin will replace Takeuchi Akari in her role for the stage play 1974 Ikunayo.

The stage play was rescheduled for December 2011 due to the earthquake and tsunami earlier this year.

The explanation for the replacement was that Takeuchi became a S/mileage sub-member so being that she will be busy with activities in that group for the next few months she would have to be replaced by another member, that being Miyamoto Karin who will probably has a bit more free time since she’s not currently in a group.

Like most fans I also wondered if this might affect or be a sign that she won’t be part of a group in the future, but it’s most likely not related since she isn’t officially part of a group just yet, unlike Takeuchi who recently joined a group and has been part of various promotional activities for the new S/mileage generation and most likely didn’t have enough time to join rehearsals for the play.

I look forward to finding out how the play will turn out since both Nakky and Chisa are in it, but for now I wish Karin good luck with the play and hopefully we get to see a few fliers for it soon.

The play will run during December.

1974 Ikunayo Blog

Tanaka Reina To Replace Mitsui Aika In “Reborn ~Inochi no Audition~”

30 08 2011

Due to Mitsui Aika’s condition, Tanaka Reina will replace her in the upcoming stage play titled Reborn ~Inochi no Audition~.

This was confirmed by a flyer which was released recently on the stage play’s site.

It’s unfortunate that Mitsui Aika won’t be able to participate in the stage play but due to her condition it’s best for her to rest up so she can hopefully soon recover, and while it might be disappointing, it’s good to see that Reina will be able to join the cast since she has done quite a good job with her past performances.

From what I can tell there is quite a lot of variety from the cast for the show, and surprisingly it appears that this cast will be mostly female (if not completely), which should be interesting to see since there might be a few members who play the male roles, for example Gaki who appears to be wearing armor with a sword.

Everyone looks really good in their outfit, especially Kanon and Mizuki who have an elegant look, although the flyer is still a bit too small to know for sure how everyone looks since it appears that most of the members are in the back with only Gaki and Reina clearly visible.

All that is left to see is a bigger flyer and the start of the play, so hopefully everyone who can attend the show will do so since it seems like it will be very interesting to watch.

The play will run from 10/8 ~ 10/17.

“Ribbon~reborn~” Stage Play Title Has Changed To “Ribbon~Inochi no Audition~”

10 08 2011

The title for the stage play featuring various H!P artists has been changed from Ribbon~reborn~ to Ribbon~Inochi no Audition~.

I’m not sure if it’s Ribbon~Inochi no Audition~ or Reborn~Inochi no Audition~ since they used Katakana for the first part, but the new title for the play means something along the lines of Reborn~Life Audition~ which matches the description that was released when the play announced, and while we might not have that many details apart from what we already know it seems like this play will be very interesting.

As mentioned before this will be the first play for most of the 9th generation, although it will be fun to see who stands out since they all seem like they could do really well in the play. Apart from that Riho’s injury will most likely be healed by the time the play starts, but we’ll have to wait and see what the result for Mitsui’s checkup will be since her previous check up resulted in a longer healing time.

For now the play is starting to shape up to be a very interesting event since it includes quite a lot of H!P and UFA members, but I hope we get to see some previews or at least a promotion flier by next month.

The play will run from 10/8 ~ 17.

Stage Play Site

Hello! Project Eggs 2011 Happyou Kai ~September no Nama Tamago Show!~ Setlist Released

10 08 2011

1. ??? – All
2. Seishun Song – All
3. Ryuusei Boy – Kaneko Rie, Takeuchi Akari, Miyamoto Karin, Katsuta Rina, Takagi Sayuki, Tanabe Nanami, Nagasawa Wakana, Kudo Haruka
4. Oujisama To Yuki No Yoru
5. Zukyun LOVE
6. Rairai! Shinfuu
7. Be All Right
8. Ai ~Suite Room~
9. Onaji Jikyuu de Hataraku Tomodachi no Bijin Mama
10. Guru Guru JUMP
11. I know
12. Ai Araba IT’S ALL RIGHT

Romaji by: Amped

The setlist for Hello! Project Eggs 2011 Happyou Kai ~September no Nama Tamago Show!~ has been released on the official site.

As mentioned on the site the participants might be changed based on the Momusu or S/mileage auditions, so even though Akari or Karin are listed as part of the setlist that doesn’t mean that they haven’t passed either audition since they will simply update the setlist before the show.

That being said only the first three songs have the performers listed, which is usually the way the setlists for the H!P Egg shows are revealed since they show off all of the songs at the beginning and reveal the singers a few at the time. This is the perfect way for fans to know what to expect while still looking forward to the event since there are quite a few combinations we could see for the songs.

The first song hasn’t been revealed as well, which is usually what happens since they want to keep the opening performance a secret, but we should find out what it is in the next few weeks, although the rest of the setlist looks perfect since it features a combination of songs from Morning Musume, Berryz, C-ute, Mini Moni, Tanpopo, among many others giving us a perfect combination of songs to enjoy.

I will update this post with the performers as they are revealed, but apart from that the setlist does look like a great way for fans to enjoy the show since it features a variety of H!P songs so I hope fans who are interested in attending do so since it will be a fun performance to see.

The event will take place on 9/11 at 15:30 and 18:30.

Official H!P Egg Live Site

Hello! Project Eggs 2011 Happyou Kai ~September no Nama Tamago Show!~ Official Site Opened

26 07 2011

An official site for the H!P Eggs event this september titled Hello! Project Eggs 2011 Happyou Kai ~September no Nama Tamago Show!~ has been opened.

The members participating are:

  • Kaneko Rie
  • Takeuchi Akari
  • Miyamoto Karin
  • Katsuta Rina
  • Takagi Sayuki
  • Tanabe Nanami
  • Nagazawa Wakana
  • Kudou Haruka
  • Yoshihashi Kurumi
  • Hamaura Ayano
  • Taguchi Natsumi
  • Otsuka Aina
  • Mogi Minami
  • Ogawa Rena

I’m really happy to see that we finally get the confirmation of the participating eggs in this event, and even though it was pretty clear that the 6 newly added Eggs would take part in the event, it’s still great news for them since we will finally get to see them perform live and see their interaction with the other members and the public.

I’m excited to see what kind of setlist will be performed since there are many new girls that might not be able to handle hard songs and dances, and since the setlist on the site is stated as “Coming Soon“, it should only be a matter of time until we see what kind of songs will be performed, and we finally have newly added official profile pictures and a little biography for each member on the “Profile” section of the site so this should fill anyone’s curiosity about the new members.

I highly encourage everyone in the area during that time to try and attend the event since this new generation of Eggs seems very promising.

The event will take place on 9/11 at 15:30 and 18:30.

Event’s official site

Hello! Project Eggs Official Twitter Account Opened

24 07 2011

Hello! Project Eggs have had their official Twitter account opened.

The first tweet was byTaguchi Natsumi:


I have to say that I’m really happy about this news since this is so far the only social networking service that the Eggs have,and using this twitter account, it will give the chance for the young Eggs to express themselves in various ways, post their pictures of events or of themselves just like in blogs and get connected to their fans in one way or another.

I was surprised to see that the first Tweet was made by Taguchi Natsumi since she is one of the most recent Eggs added, and the most surprising was that she mentionned being the new commerciam girl of the Pizza-La CM that many might remember since Buono! did one a few years back, and I’m really happy for her since she seems to be gaining more attention thanks to her natural charm.

So far there is only 2 Tweets overall but hopefully their page will become active and each Egg will be able to tweet about their daily lives.

Please subscribe to them to show them your support!

H!P Egg Official Twitter

Berryz Koubou, S/mileage, H!P Eggs, and UP UP Girls To Appear At Shiodome AX 2011 Idol Carnival Event

13 07 2011

Berryz Koubou, S/mileage, Hello! Pro Eggs, and UP UP Girls will appear at the month long Shiodome AX 2011 Idol Carnival event.

The theme for the event will be Kikka’s HapiRapi~Sunrise~.

While it seems that they won’t be the main event for the show it is still a great chance for the 4 groups to appear and perform for the crowd at the event, and since there will also be appearances of other idol groups such as the SUPER GIRLS it will be interesting to see who gets the most positive reaction from the crowd.

For now only Berryz and S/mileage are listed in the performance section but most likely the H!P Eggs and the UP UP Girls will perform a few songs as well since they were listed on the site before it got the redesign showing off maps of the site as well as more info about the event.

Hopefully fans in the area can go to the event since it seems like a great way to enjoy a nice event with Berryz, S/mileage and other group.

The event will be from 7/22 through 8/21 from 10:00 am ~ 6:00 pm (JST).

Official Shiodome 2011 AX Idol Carnival Event