Title for Morning Musume’s Spring Tour Announced

23 01 2011

Morning Musume’s Spring Concert is titled “Morning Musume Concert Tour 2011 Spring: New Genesis Fantasy DX~Welcome 9th Generation Members~”

The “new genesis fantasy” part hints that they’ll probably perform the Fantasy 11 album songs and new genesis most likely means “new generation“. Plus the title even says “welcome 9th generation members” so we know the concert is going to have a lot about them.

If they do perform the Fantasy 11 album songs I’m really interested to hear how it sounds since Kamei’s voice stands out a lot in the songs and I’m interested to see who is going to take those lines on. Also to see line distributions will be interesting.

Title Announcement



11 responses

23 01 2011

FYI here’s the post on Hello!Online


Quoting from Takahasi herself “I will have been in Morning Musume for 10 years comes this August,
So I thought it will be a good time! to graduate in the Autumn Morning Musume concert tour.”

Off course, there’s been some general confusion about the exact date. So you never know.

Can’t wait to see the 9th gen on stage though. Gonna be awesome!

23 01 2011

looking at their last fall concert (9 smile I believe it was) It lasted about 3 months so if they start at about June-ish I don’t see how they’ll do H!P concert which ends about that time or August-ish.

I think I’m just trying to think too far ahead and guessing how things come out.

But i’m also excited to see 9th gen on stage.

23 01 2011

Ah the post (about Ai’s graduation) was changed already.. never mind :) Ignore the above comment.

23 01 2011

just because the title has ‘welcome 9th gen members’ doesn’t mean they’re necessarily going to be the focus of the concert. Koharu’s first concert was called ‘koharuchan irasshai’ which mean ‘welcome koharu’ but she only did three shuffles and got minor roles in all of them.

And the title is basically given that they’re going to be promoting fantasy juuichi with this tour, at least through the songs they’re performing.

23 01 2011

the title seems to have a few different meanings. like that new genesis fantasy part it sounds like they’re calling the next generation a fantasy. like fantasy meaning almost like”oh this is what mm has been waiting for” kind of fantasy.

and how come they’re promoting the fantasy album after it’s already been released?

23 01 2011

I’m sure a lot of fans feel that way since it’s been awhile since new members were added.

And even though the album is released fans can still buy a copy and increase sales:)

23 01 2011

Remember how Junjun and Linlin on their first single they were given lines and they had PV time, but then after that they basically disappeared in the back? This is what I somewhat picture this concert as, a moment for 9th gen to be pushed to the front and then from there they disappear in the back.. well they’ll be pushed back after they get a single… That and I thought they would be the subject of discussion on MCs..

I really have no clue what to expect since this is the first time new additions have been added while I’ve been a fan so we’ll see what happens.

23 01 2011

if tsunku doesn’t push riho then he’s out of his mind. She got 500 mixi fans in like 6 days, and LinLin only ended up with 450 after 3 years.

23 01 2011

yes i agree with you there on that first part about tsunku being crazy if riho doesn’t get pushed out there, but what the heck is a mixi fan? lol i’ve never heard of that before.

23 01 2011

I’ll be optimistic. I think UFA wants to slowly phase out (i.e graduating) the older gens, so I think pushing the kyukkies is an obvious move. With Ai-chan graduating this year, the other members need to step up, with the Kyukkies having to keep up with their senpais. I’m optimistic about MM’s future. And I really can’t wait to see the Kyukkies in action. :)

25 01 2011

I prefer they make a new single with 9th generation first before do a concert…

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