Natsuyaki Miyabi – “NATURAL & COOL” e-Hello DVD Announced

17 01 2011

Natsuyaki Miyabi’s solo e-Hello DVD titled “NATURAL & COOL” has been announced.

Miya is the 3rd member to get an e-Hello DVD, being the 2nd Berryz Koubou member after Risako, and I have to say that I’m really excited about this news since the title is really interesting reflecting Miya’s personality, as well as the astonishing preview we got to see with the news announcement.

Although the preview for Miya’s DVD is shorter than usual (it doesn’t go over 1 minute), it still gives us a general view about what to expect in the DVD: we get to see her sitting in front of the camera while smiling peacefully and calmly with a fantastic close-up in a plaid skirt, in another scene where she is wearing a classy and elegant red dress while sitting on a little white sofa, then on a larger one, to a more casual outfit while saying goodbye to the camera.

I have to admit that Miyabi looks really incredible in all of the scenes and the many outfits, so I’m sure that it’ll be an amazing release for fans since it has been a while since her last solo release (we can clearly see how mature she is now since her 1st PB).

Hopefully everyone can reserve and buy a copy of the DVD to support Miya.

The release date is set for somewhere in February.

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7 responses

17 01 2011

My favorite member~

You know, this makes me wonder if Aichan will get a DVD before her graduation.

17 01 2011

Logically they definitly should give her one (if not more *i can dream*) since she is a very popular member and fans would like to have a souvenir from her…
So I’m guessing a Memorial DVD like Eri,Jun and Lin’s where she would reveal how she feels about everything she been throught and the experience she earned…

17 01 2011

That would be nice. I’ll definitely be looking forward to it^^
Ahhhh it’s still a shock to think about Aichan graduating at all.

But back to the posts topic. I just watched the vid and Miyabi looks wonderful. Especially in those last two outfits and I don’t know when the last time she’s been in a ponytail was but she looked very nice in it.^^
Go Miya~~~

17 01 2011

Omg im so happy i can’t believe it im so going to buy it wow this made my day

17 01 2011
Dave Snow

Absolutely stunningly beautiful gal!! I love her!

3 03 2011

where can i reserve / buy a copy of this?? i didnt see it on so i dont know where else to look help please :)

4 03 2011

Usually it was set for pre-order on e-Lineup but since it’s already released, I’ll try to find it on other sites…

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