Buono- “Zassou no Uta” Tracklist Change & Single V Release Date Pushed Back

7 01 2011

1. Zassou no Uta
2. Runaway Train
4. Zassou no Uta (Instrumental)

The tracklist for Buono’s 11th single titled “Zassou no Uta” has changed and the release date for their Single V edition has been pushed back.

The song that has been switched out is “Seishun 17 Kaiten Rock” and it’s being replaced with “Runaway Train”. I found the Seishun 17 Kaiten Rock to sound more interesting than Runaway Train but that’s just the title of the song and “Runaway Train” may turn out to be an awesome song. I like the sound of JUICY HE@RT so I’m glad that wasn’t switched out.

The Single V edition of Buono’s single has been pushed back. The original release date was set on 2/9 but now it’s been pushed back to the end of the month. Since the release date is being pushed back so far I’m thinking UFA might make this single extra special for something, but we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Also the picture above is a preview of the outfits they’ll be using for the single. Their outfits are really simple here, they’re all in black, gray and white and they’re all wearing some sort of pattern on their outfits, for example Airi is in polka dots and Miya and Momo are in stripes. Nothing drastic has been done to their hair and they’re not wearing any accessories that stand out too much such as sunglasses or hats. I think it looks awesome even though it’s very toned down from their other outfit singles.

The release date for the regular edition is set on 2/2. The Single V edition will be released on 2/23.

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9 responses

7 01 2011

I gotta say I really love how they all look.

7 01 2011

I already saw thepicture before and i’m impressed with how well they look. Alsoj’m glad they didntchange juicy he@rt too ^.^

7 01 2011

I actually think Runaway Train sounds quite interesting :) and gotta agree that they look awesome!

7 01 2011

Compared to “Runaway Train”, “Seishun 17 Kaiten Rock” sounds boring as heck. So, I like the new title better. XD

I also like their attires this time ’round.
Simple and mature, but not boring.
Miya looks like a mother; Momo a single aunt; and Airi the stylish cousin <3
(Just talking about the attires)

8 01 2011

So, I’m guessing Airi is in the middle for this single again? Darn… I was hoping for Miya. :(

9 01 2011

Yeah :[ I miss Miya in the middle but It’s fair becuase in the begining she was in the middle 4 times, then Momo 4 times and this is Airi’s 4th time.

9 01 2011

Actually Miya was only in the middle for 3 times. (Honto ni Jibun, Renai Rider and Kiss Kiss Kiss) So far everyone except Miya as 4 times being center (not including CD & DVD covers)

But what I like about Buono was every had a turn in center and everyone has lines at least.

9 01 2011

Yes but i count Kokoro no Tamago as a seperate sibgle becuase It had a PV ^^

21 01 2011

yay,I am so happy,I was really hopping for new singles,and Juicy He@rt sounds very interesiting^^
Buono! is the best group ever,I love the fact that everyone got always the same lines :X I have to agree,Airi was often in the middle these times,but in the beginning she wasn’t that much,so I think she deserve it ^_^
they look cute as always!even if they’ll wear normal clothes,they’ll never be boring!:X

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