Buono’s 11th Single Titled “Zassou no Uta” Changes Tracklist Again

16 01 2011

1. Zassou no Uta
2. Runaway Train
4. Zassou no Uta (Instrumental)
5. Runaway Train (Instrumental)
6. JUICY HE@RT (Instrumental)

The tracklist for Buono’s 11th single has changed again.

This time the only change is they added the instrumental version of the songs Runaway Train and JUICY HE@RT. I’m not giant fan of the instrumental version but I think it’ll be nice to hear it since I’m picturing these songs are heavy on the rock and guitar sort of sound.

There’s not much changes but hopefully this will make fans want to buy a copy since they’ve added more songs on.

The release date is set on 2/2.

Product Page



6 responses

16 01 2011

I wanna hear a preview! =_=

16 01 2011

More Buono! instrumentals?
I’m perfectly okay with this. It’s just more cover fodder for me when I start up my covers~

16 01 2011

OMFG instrumentals~~ <

16 01 2011

Yes! Instrumentals!!!! <33333 I only use intrumentals from singles when I want to cover something, but I've never tried listening to the instrumentals all by itself..hmmm, maybe I should try that.

17 01 2011

I love instrumentals~
I like to sing with songs (preferably instrumentals), and participate in a couple cover groups; one is H!P-specific. Listening to instrumentals is also very nice, especially when I get tired of my playlist (that probably makes no sense). So, the more instrumentals, the better! :D

Most of Buono!’s singles released them, though that was probably for the anime. Fans of the groups most likely complained about the sudden change – how a group that released differently from usual was now doing what all other H!P groups did. Luckily, we were allowed to have our fun~ <3

19 01 2011

Ai~ri ;3!

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