S/mileage – “Yume Miru 15sai” PV Preview Released

29 04 2010

A preview for S/mileage’s debut single PV titled Yume Miru 15sai has been released on the latest Bijo Gaku episode.

The PV preview mainly consists of S/mileage dancing in front of streamers as well as many close-up shots which all look very impressing. After dancing for most of the song the lights go out and we only see their silhouettes dancing, after which they appear in black costumes.

I have to admit that I am very impressed with how well the PV looks since it is somewhat simple but dramatic in some parts of the PV, most noticeably during the part where the lights turn off and they change costumes.

The close-up shots are all very impressing since they feature many different shots of the girls looking at the camera while smiling or posing, and while I have to admit that they all look incredible, Kanon and Maeda stood out the most for me (mainly because they look incredibly cute).

The preview only features half of the PV so we don’t know how the rest of the PV looks but so far I like how great it looks. The preview gives us a good look at what to expect and with the many costume changes, scenes, stages and effects it manages to be a very impressing major debut PV.

I will wait for the full PV to express my full opinion but so far I like what I see, so hopefully we get the full PV soon since this will most likely be one of S/mileage’s best PVs.

The release date is set for 5/26.

S/mileage – Yume Miru 15sai PV Preview

Video uploaded by: ytsa07

The preview might be taken down soon so I suggest you watch it as soon as possible



3 responses

30 04 2010

I dont know if you saw but

there is the full pv with low quality :D

2 05 2010

Thank you ^o^

I saw it earlier today but I will wait a bit until they release the full quality PV since it is just too low quality that it’s hard to distinguish who is who sometimes x_x

Thank you though! \(^o^)/

5 05 2010

Isn’t it a shame that Ayaka Never gets main lines? Like Yuukarin has starred in all 4 of the ‘other’ singles and now this one aswell, which makes 5 :/

Saki Starred in the 1st 3 with her and now She and Kanon Share the Vocals in ‘Suki-chan’ though Yuuka’s in lead. She ALWAYS the main lines and I don’t know why.
From ALL over the internet(Youtube, yahoo, Myspace ect…) The fave is Always Saki and Kanon! Atleast that’s what people say!

I don’t get why in the full PV Sakitty, Kanon and Yuukarin have 8 lines each(Counting Saki’s ‘Woowow’) And Ayaka Gets 5(3 are REALLY short XP)

In your weekly poll I’m Voting For Ayaka out of Her, Rii(My fave MM) And Maasa for her GREAT performance in this PV :)

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