Kusumi Koharu To Open An Ameba Blog

21 04 2010

Former Morning Musume member Kusumi Koharu has just announced she will open up an Amebla blog.

The announcement apparently comes from Koha herself as well as the Up Front staff on an FC news article, here is a translation of Koha’s announcement (translation by teth at JPM):

When I graduated from MM, I thought a lot about my own future.

As I was hearing a lot of opinions from various people on how I should try being a model or an actress, I began to think about using my knowledge of “food and health” for work. These are things I’ve studied since I was little, when I wanted to be like models.

Of course, I will still challenge myself in things I can do like modeling and singing, but I want to also pursue work that relate to what I’m interested in: “food” and “health.”

From now on, I want to communicate to my fans in all kinds of context, so please support me!

I will start a blog at ameba on 4/26! Please take a look!

I have to admit that I was very excited when I heard the news since it has been quite some time since we last heard from her, apart from her regular weekly appearances on TV shows.

It will be interesting to see what Koharu will do in the future and now that she will have a blog we will have many chances to see what she does now, as well as finding out about her future plans (and since it is an idol blog we will most likely find out what she had for lunch within the first 10 posts).

Even though we still have to wait a few days for her blog to open I look forward to seeing her first post as well as more recent pictures of her outside the studio of Oha Suta.

Koha’s blog will open on 4/26.

Official FC Announcement About Koha’s Ameba Blog



13 responses

21 04 2010


21 04 2010
Latest Morning Musume Graduate To Start A Blog « International Wota

[…] Kusumi Koharu To Open An Ameba Blog (Hello!SayuNii) […]

21 04 2010

Kohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3
*turns dance music up* This makes me wanna party XD

21 04 2010
Kirarin☆Snow ☃


21 04 2010

yay~ Koha’s back :)

21 04 2010

wow her hair color changed =/

21 04 2010

i’m not too big of a fan of her new hair color, i LOVED it when it was black and her new brown makes her look older than her personaility. hmm i think a darker brown would’ve fit best…

Soooo anyways I hope she has pictures of momusu members on her blog :) it’d be real nice to see them keeping in touch

22 04 2010

its terrible…
i really really liked it black and a dark brown probably wouldve suit her best…
it juss looks like shes wearing a bad wig because it dosnt seem 2 match her at all…
i really she changes it back soon though:)
but im really happy shes opening a blog, thatll be good for her!
i still think it was a mistake for her quitting morning musume though… she had SOO much potential for the future
oo well whats done is done.

22 04 2010

Yeah ! I’m so happy she’ll open blog :D !

22 04 2010

I hope HyakupaSubs will sub her blog along with Mika’s and Sayu’s :)

As for her hair….I thought it was a neat change when I first saw it, but now….it looks like a frickin wig!! It doesn’t suit her…Black was definitely best.

22 04 2010

Sum Sum’s comeback!

22 04 2010

she should’ve stuck with her black hair… :(

24 04 2010

This is a good thing, although I prolly won’t follow it!

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