Abe Natsumi – “Ameagari no Niji no Youni” PV Preview Released

26 08 2010

A PV preview for Abe Natsumi’s 12th single titled Ameagari no Niji no Youni aired on today’s Bijo Gaku episode.

The PV preview features 30 seconds of the PV in which we see Abe in her room getting ready as well as singing in front of a white wall (the same from the Limited cover) and outside, apart from that we also see what appears to be her in an OL outfit.

For the most part the PV matches the song perfectly since the soft beats of the song and the simple and calm preview look and sound great together, and even though it was somewhat short I like what I saw so far.

There were some rumors that Nacchi would be playing an OL (office lady) in the PV and from the scene of her covering her face while wearing a suit at the 0:15 mark it seems that there is at least one scene with that theme, although we can’t say for sure if it is a story or how much of the story is in the PV since we only saw a small preview.

Despite that I really liked the calm atmosphere of the PV, and with the scenes of her in her room fixing her hair and of her singing outside plus the small fragment of what appears to be an OL story in the PV all combine to form a perfect PV for the ballad.

Hopefully the full PV is released soon since it looks great so far.

The release date is set for 9/15.

Video uploaded by: pnknpnkn



4 responses

26 08 2010

She is so so so so x 10²³ beautiful in this PV

26 08 2010

ohh Nacchi :D! I really like her music She’s so cute, I love that face, those eyes, her voice so beatiful XD! Is this what people usually calls Enka? I don’t really get the ability to identify the differents styles of music lol

27 08 2010

Cute as always :D !!!
sshes so pretty.. she hardly ages :D

the mv is nice.. :)

28 08 2010
Abe Natsumi – “Ameagari no Niji no Youni” PV Preview Released « AsiaHolics Forever

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