Abe Natsumi – “Ameagari no Niji no Youni” Covers Released

26 08 2010

Left – Regular, Right – Limited

The covers for Abe Natsumi’s 12th single titled Ameagari no Niji no Youni have been released.

The Regular cover features Abe glancing at the ceiling (or the title) in a brightly lit room, while the limited cover features Abe posing next to a white wall in a white dress while looking down (at the floor).

I have to admit that despite them being a bit too simple I really liked how the theme looks overall since the brightness and simplicity matches the song perfectly, and since the song is a ballad I couldn’t have thought of a better look.

Seeing the two covers I would have to say that I really like the Regular the best since it almost looks like Abe is listening to her song while resting, but the Limited also looks great since the brightness makes the title and Abe easier to see.

Overall I love the simple but elegant bright theme, and despite them being a bit too simple they fit the feeling of the song perfectly.

The PV should be released sometime soon so hopefully we get a preview or something similar.

The release date is set for 9/15.

Neowing Site For Abe Natsumi’s 12th Single – Regular

Neowing Site For Abe Natsumi’s 12th Single – Limited



2 responses

26 08 2010
27 08 2010


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