Shuukan Yoro! Vol 36

23 04 2010

Site Updates: I managed to update part of the About section, specifically expanding the answers to the available questions as well as adding some more info about the site. I didn’t get a chance to update my rankings since I had to do some school work, but I will do that tonight as well as adding some more questions to the About section (if you have some questions that you would like answered about the site or me please comment below and I will try and add them to the About section).

I’m currently among the last 3 weeks of school so a lot of work and projects are piling up, and as a result I will spend part of this weekend finishing a project with a team. The reason why I say this is because I won’t be able to work that much on the Review section, or the Discography page, as I had originally planned.

Rest assured that I will continue to release reviews and the Discography page, but for now I will be more busy than usual so hopefully you understand the delays in some of the site sections (for example reviews, H!P birthday updates, the lack of “H!P Releases” posts, and the slight delay of other updates). Everything will be back to normal in a few weeks so I will try my best to keep everything up to date.

Polls: The winner for this poll was Natsuyaki Miyabi with 302 votes (53%) so congratulations Miyabi! Mano Erina came in second place with 146 votes (25%) and Hagiwara Mai came in third with 127 votes (22%). There was a total of 575 votes for this poll.

Congratulations Miyabi!

Miyabi was the clear winner from the start since she rapidly got a big number of votes, similar to Ai-chan. As a result she was in first place most, if not all, of the week and the competition shifted for second place for Mai and Mano, and in the end Mano won second place while Mai got a respectable third place.

Miyabi has always dominated the polls she is in and I am glad that Miya fans got together to vote for her like always, and while Mano and Mai didn’t stand that much of a chance they tried there best and they each got a respectable amount of votes, so hopefully next poll Mano or Mai can win but for now Miyabi is the winner.

A small mention about this weeks poll, as you can tell I have added (Week 17) to it and I did it mostly because I couldn’t differentiate one poll from the other because I always use the same name. So I decided to number the polls according to the number of weeks, and so far this is the 17th poll since I started doing polls from 1/2.

Also, like I mentioned last week I asked readers to suggest any combinations they would like to see for future polls and I got quite a few suggestions, such as:

  • Polls by generation
  • Most popular members
  • Buono!

I tried my best to incorporate each one of those suggestions and as a result I got the polls for the next 8 weeks (with one member for the 9th week poll). I did manage to do a Buono! poll, as well as two generation polls (specifically the 6th generation and 8th generation), and a popular member poll (Ai-chan, Risako and Maimi) and I also got a chance to do a ZYX-a poll with Gaki, Maasa and Wada.

While I couldn’t do everyone’s suggestions I did get a chance to fulfill most requests and hopefully you will be happy with the results. As for the other polls and the specific order of the poll I have decided to keep that as a surprise so be on the lookout for your favorite members week since it might be coming soon.

Just a reminder for those who don’t vote: If you do have a chance please do vote, it only takes two clicks and you help your favorite member appear as member of the week!

The next poll will include Berryz Koubou member Kumai Yurina, C-ute member Chisato Okai, and S/mileage member Fukuda Kanon:

To make it easier for fans I will provide the direct link to the poll HERE.

Please vote!

Reviews: Like I mentioned above I am in the final weeks of school which means more work and studying for exams, projects, reports, etc. and as a result I couldn’t work that much on the review for Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai. I did finish a few more paragraphs but with the extra load of work I have to do this weekend I doubt I can finish it, although nothing will stop me from trying.

After May 15 I will have finished the semester and I will have more time to work on the reviews, but there is a small chance I might get a summer job since I really want to buy more H!P merchandise, although that isn’t one of my concerns right now since I might end up enjoying my summer at home and with friends instead (no offense to anyone who likes working).

That being said I have the Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai review set as the next review with the H!SU 3rd order review as the following one, so I will try and get them done as soon as possible.

I will update with any more on the Review section.

Shuukan Yoro: It’s the 1st Day in Jun Jun’s week about ” Train Station Lunches”.

Following the suggestion of a reader (harudesu) I have decided to go ahead and show Jun Jun’s week, and I have to admit that it was a great suggestion since I had forgotten how funny and interesting her week was since it features a rare Jun Jun – Berryz Koubou interaction, and also because we get a chance to see Jun Jun’s “narcisstic” side.

Starting Jun Jun’s week we find Jun Jun herself behind the television in a panda costume where she greets Berryz Koubou, who will be her students for her week. After many exclamations of Jun Jun being cute (both from Berryz and Jun Jun) they start off the week by having a small test about the three most popular train station lunches.

Jun Jun tries a few of the lunches in front of them (with some difficulty due to her panda outfit) and her reactions to each of them are cute. As for Mano’s section at the end of the program she draws something and it is up to us to guess what it is, and it is pretty self explanatory.

I strongly suggest you see the episode since we get a chance to see a side of Jun Jun we don’t normally see and also because the lunches just might make you hungry (maybe not the last one if you are not used to eating squid). So enjoy!

Hello! Project Revival Shuffle Units “Compilation Single A & B” Announced

23 04 2010

Two Hello! Project shuffle unit “singles” titled Compilation Single A & B (tentative titles) have been announced.

The first single, Compilation Single A, will feature Tanpopo #, Pucchimoni V, and Shin Mini Moni and it will come in two versions – Regular (CD) and Limited (CD + DVD). The second single, Compilation Single B, will also come in Regular (CD) and Limited (CD + DVD) versions and it will feature High-King, ZYX-a, Aa!, and Zoku Biyuuden.

Each “single” will feature new songs, instrumentals, as well as a bonus track. The new songs will be one for each group, although it isn’t clear whether the bonus track will feature only one group or all of them (most likely all of them).

It’s great that we are getting more shuffle unit releases since the only release they have had was on the Pucchi Best 10 album, and even then it only featured 5 groups out of the current 7 shuffle groups (Zoku Biyuuden and ZYX-a didn’t get a release).

The mention of new songs as well as bonus tracks is interesting since it might mean completely new songs and if that is the case there is the slight possibility of there being some PVs for the songs, especially with the DVD that will be included with the Limited versions, which would be great since we have only had a chance to see them perform in concerts.

Even though we don’t have that much information about this new release it will be interesting to see the tracklist as well as the covers, and if we are lucky we might get a chance to see some PVs on the DVD included with the Limited versions (although there is a chance that it only has concert performances or other extras).

This “single” hasn’t been officially confirmed but hopefully it is since I would really like to hear more songs from the shuffle groups, as well as a unique shuffle release.

The release date is set for 6/30.

Kusumi Koharu’s Ameba Blog Opened

23 04 2010

Kusumi Koharu’s Ameba blog has been opened. Only the banner and the blog are up (without any entries) for now.

I have to admit that upon seeing the banner I was reminded of Koharu’s random and bright personality since it almost seems to shine from the many diamonds and colors that are used, but it seems like the diamonds are overused in some places, for example on the ferris wheel or the sky.

Despite the somewhat tacky effects the overall banner looks great since we get a chance to see some incredible pictures of Koha with her new hair color, and in my opinion she looks gorgeous since they almost seem to be model photos because of the poses and the quality.

Overall the banner looks great and even though diamonds are overused the new pictures of Koharu, as well as the cute hearts surrounding them and the cute Koharun Land title, all look incredible.

Koharu has yet to write in the blog but I will update this entry with her first post (if it isn’t that long) when it is released on 4/26.

Official Kusumi Koharu Ameba Blog

EDIT: The first post is up!