Kamei Eri, Michishige Sayumi, Tanaka Reina PB Announced

22 10 2010

A special 6th generation PB titled Morning Musume Kamei Eri, Michishige Sayumi, Tanaka Reina PB Kamei Eri Graduation Commemoration Hello Hello! Forever has been announced.

As the title suggests the PB will feature Kamei Eri, Michishige Sayumi, and Tanaka Reina and just like their 6th generation debut PB they will return to Ishigaki Island in Okinawa (where the first PB was shot).

I have to admit that when I read the words “Kamei Eri” and “PB” once again I did feel a bit overwhelmed, but I am excited to see that it is a 6th generation commemoration PB since it gives the Rokkies a chance to appear in one last PB together (they had one when they were formed and another when they are being separated).

It seems like the perfect release for Rokkie fans since it will be the same setting as their first group PB, and even though it seems like yet another PB release this will most likely be a treasured PB for Sayu, Kame, and Reina since it will be one of the last chances to see all of them together in a PB.

Hopefully all Momusu fans get a chance to reserve their copy of the PB since it will most likely be one of the most treasured releases by 6th generation fans.

The release date is set for 11/12.

E-hon Page For Kamei, Sayu, and Reina’s PB



9 responses

22 10 2010

I think they already have made the photoshoots. If I am right the rokkies went to Okinawa in August or September, I don’t remember well. Anyway it’s great to have a 6th PB but when will UFA make a Junjun and a Linlin solo PB? T__T

22 10 2010

I will be very sad if they dont have a junlin PB

22 10 2010

I agree they’ve been for so long in Momusu and they are going soon i mean i love

22 10 2010

I agree they’ve been for so long in Momusu and they are going soon i mean i love Eri but she got 3 PB with this one since her graduation announcement so it’s just not fair … but it’s Tsunku so … :P

22 10 2010

Actually I think it’s UFA who decides who gets a PB and who doesn’t since most of the PB announcements are done from a business point of view, meaning “who’s PB is going to sell more?” ^_^

I agree it seems that Eri has gotten quite a lot of PBs in a short amount of time, she has “Eririn”, her graduation commemoration solo PB, and the 6th gen PB not including “sweet” which was released near the beginning of this year, but it’s Eri, she’s a popular member (whose graduation wasn’t planned) and they are trying to take advantage of the extra promotion by announcing releases left and right XD

22 10 2010

That is absolutely disgraceful. It really is. Reina and Sayumi have like 6 or 7 PBs each and Eri has 9. They could have atleast a JunLinEri one. It acctually makes me wanna punch Tsunku, and although I love Eririn and it’s not her fault, i wanna hit her too. I just have this man-urge o-o

22 10 2010

Actually it isn’t Tsunku or Eri’s fault at all XD

UFA probably decides who gets a PB, Tsunku most likely just produces the group and composes songs apart from being the face of H!P (and the shield against fan attacks XD) ^_^

They had a PB when they first became members of Momusu and the 6th gen was formed, and it seems somewhat necessary to have another one as a goodbye ^_^

They could have a Jun, Lin, and Eri PB but there wouldn’t be a good reason for doing it, yes they are graduating together but it would be awkward having Jun Jun, Lin Lin and Eri in the same PB for that reason alone (there would also be Jun and Lin fans angry that Eri is in yet another PB and it isn’t a solo release).

Hopefully we do get an announcement for a Jun and Lin PB before they graduate, I would really like to see one ^_^

24 10 2010

About Jun,Lin’s PB: Japanese peoples are very generous(tolerant) about these type
of PB in which girls exposing their skin. One side China,it seems peoples have
opposite thoughts. I remember ,after Momusu concert,many Chinese media
blamed Momusu’s clothes and dances. And even in Korea,Korean news media reported in few days ago, that Korean congress(parliament) will bring a bill which is prohibiting under 18 years K-pop girls’ member’s overexposure outfit.(costumes) And I’ve heard K-pop girls don’t publish any PB.Thus,East Asian 3 countries have different attitudes about Girls groups’ costumes and exposure.—And of course I don’t think which way is right or wrong,it is only individual countries’ custom.
And so,I suppose Up Front might be anxious about Junjun and Linlin’s future,-after their going back to China.
That is,the reason of un-publishing Jun Lin’s PB might be avoiding blame or misunderstand by peoples who are lack of understanding.
(Above is “only” my thought,and may be not a representative opinion of Japanese H!P)

24 10 2010

I have heard of that being a reason for them not having a PB, and it seems to be the most likely one since UFA might not want to deal with any differences in attitudes against PBs which might affect Jun Jun and Lin Lin’s future careers in China.

We don’t really know why they didn’t have a PB but it seems that a combination of the differences in attitudes to PBs and a small fanbase for Jun and Lin might have something to do with it, but like I said before we might not never know for sure.

Everyone has a different opinion so your opinion, my opinion, and each and every opinion of Japanese and overseas fans will be somewhat different ^_^

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