Okai Chisato 1st PB and Solo DVD Announced

3 10 2010

Okai Chisato’s 1st PB and solo DVD, currently untitled, have been announced. The news was revealed via a live Okaichansleep video stream where Chisa herself revealed the news to her fans.

For quite a while there have been many mentions from fans about wanting a Chisato PB, and I’m glad to see that she will finally get one since she obviously deserves a PB like everyone else.

I like how she revealed the news personally instead of letting us find out for ourselves through sites such as Neowing since it added a bit more excitement to the news and even though it was unexpected I was very happy to see her celebrating along with staff.

This makes C-ute the only current group in H!P to have PBs for all of its members (since Mitsui, Jun Jun, Lin Lin, Shimizu Saki, Fukuda Kanon, Wada Ayaka, and Ogawa Saki don’t have one yet), but hopefully we get announcement of PBs for the members who haven’t got one sometime in the near future.

Despite that I am glad for Chisato and I hope that all of her fans buy her PB when it is released so that she can have even more in the future.

An official confirmation should come in the next few days but you can check out the video of Chisato below where she announces the news.

Here is a translation of what she said on the video (translation by Oroboras):

Everyone! Good morning! Indeed, the Okai Channel has, from this early in the morning, begun! Yes, you see, today, I have… a big announcement! jakajakajaka. Yes! I, Okai Chisato, on December 22nd, I’m announcing that I’ll be releasing a photobook! Yay! Yes, it’s been decided that a photobook and a DVD will be released on 22/12. I, Okai Chisato, am very nervous but I’ll do my best!

That means that, everyone, let’s say “cheers!” Then, everyone… does everyone have a drink? If you don’t then run, quick, go to the fridge and get one. Right. You’re back? Is it alright? Let’s go! Cheers!

The release date is set for 12/22.

Okaichansleep Ustream Video Link To PB Announcement

Chisato Serend Blog Comment About PB



17 responses

3 10 2010

That was fast XD

3 10 2010


3 10 2010

The best new of the year ^^

3 10 2010

WOOO FINALLY! :D Go Chisato!

3 10 2010


3 10 2010

Allow me to professionally and eloquently state my opinion on this matter…


4 10 2010

I second that XD

7 10 2010

I third that for the lulz. xDD

4 10 2010


4 10 2010

Oh my gash I so waited for her to get a phoyobook.
Chissa is one of my favourites and I’m defenitely trying to get this.
(Though I never ever buyed something from Japan shops ^^”)

4 10 2010

AT last! I never thought that would happen! :D CHisato will rock her PB! Don’t make it a tomboy PB. Make it an edgy one :*

4 10 2010

I’m so happy!!!! Chisa is finally getting one, after so long :D I wish her good luck and I know she’ll do great since she is such a pretty girl! ^.^

4 10 2010

I’m excited for her! Yay!

4 10 2010

Her message was too adorable and had me smiling from ear-to-ear X3
As for the theme, I would like it to have a mixture of her olde character (total tomboy) and her current (girly), just so all fans can be pleased and she can prove that she can be great as either [as she is] <3
(Of course, like all other PB's, a lot of bikini pics is definite… =_=;)

4 10 2010

OKAY! This is gonna be the first time I’m going to buy at an online shop! :D

4 10 2010

WHOOT! Only thing left is Miya’s 2nd and Aika 1st ^_^ These girls are going to have a sick 2011 :D

5 10 2010

Say whaat?

Make it MANLY!

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